The Police
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Crime Alert - Burglary

Dear Resident(s),  

Humberside Police are investigating a report of a BURGLARY from a property on DORSET STREET, HULL.


The incident occurred between the time of 00:15hours and 00:45hours on MONDAY 24TH MARCH 25. The unknown suspect(s) have gained entry via an insecure door to the rear of the property, making their way through to the front door of the property, unlocking the door. Suspect(s) are then disturbed, to which they leave the property and leave the area in an unknown direction. 


If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area around this time or have any information about the offender(s) please contact the police on the non-emergency number 101 quoting occurrence ref:  25000039644.


 Alternatively, you could call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. You don’t have to leave your name and you may even receive a reward.


Remember to keep your own property secure to reduce the opportunity for thieves. Whenever possible lock your doors and windows in unoccupied rooms even if you are in the house.


Please be reminded to lock your doors and to keep any security gates closed and always locked.


We also advise residents not to leave high value items on display as they may entice thieves.


To assist us in identifying stolen property please consider property marking high value items using Forensic Marking or UV pens.  You are also advised to register property at www.immobilise.com which is a free on-line property register used by police forces nationwide to reunite stolen goods to their owners. All you have to do is register on-line and then upload properties electrical items serial numbers.


Thank you.


Remember to keep your own property secure to reduce the opportunity for thieves, remember WIDEN.  You can watch a short vide on WIDEN here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKN8337RDIY

  • WINDOWS: Keep your windows closed and locked.

  • INTERIOR: Put your interior lights on a timer or smart bulb.

  • DOORS: Double or deadlock your doors.

  • EXTERIOR: Put your exterior lights on a sensor (preferably dusk to dawn).

  • NEIGHBOURS: Keep an eye out for neighbours.

  • To assist us in identifying stolen property please consider property marking high value items using Forensic Marking or UV pens.  You are also advised to register property at www.immobilise.com which is a free on-line property register used by police forces nationwide to reunite stolen goods to their owners. All you have to do is register on-line and then upload properties electrical items serial numbers.

    If you have a burglar alarm ensure it is set and working.

    Please also find attached the Police Crime Prevention Handbook which covers a broad range of crime prevention advice.


    Thank you

    Humberside Police


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    Message Sent By
    Alex Macklin
    (Humberside Police, PCSO, Hull West)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials