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Know the Fire Risk - Emollient Skin Products

Dear Resident,

UK Fire and Rescue Services, in partnership with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), and health charities, are raising awareness about the hidden fire risks associated with emollient skin creams.

These creams, commonly used for conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, can build up on fabrics like clothing and bedding. When dried on, they create a highly flammable combination that can ignite easily and burn rapidly, posing a severe risk of injury or death. Alarmingly, this risk exists regardless of whether the creams contain paraffin.

Who is Most at Risk?

Since 2010, more than 50 deaths and serious injuries have been linked to fires caused by dried-on skin creams. Research shows that the most vulnerable include:
✔️ People over 60 years old
✔️ Smokers
✔️ Individuals with reduced mobility


Watch a video about the safe use of emollients and why it's so important to follow the advice, click on the image below: 

Or this link: https://youtu.be/GAv7RTjDClU?feature=shared


How to Stay Safe

To reduce fire risks while using emollient products, please follow these essential safety guidelines:


  • Always change and wash clothing and bedding regularly (ideally daily) to remove any emollient residue. Although washing does note completely remove residue so continue to be vigilant.

  • Always cover furniture or airflow cushions with washable throws and clean them frequently.

  • Always keep a safe distance from open fires and portable heaters.

  • Always be cautious in the bath or shower, as emollients can make surfaces slippery.

  • Always inform carers, relatives, or anyone in close contact about the risks associated with emollient use. Carers may wish to include this information in a care plan.

  • ⚠️ Avoid:

  • Avoid placing heated appliances such as electric blankets, hairdryers, or straighteners and curling tongs near airflow mattresses and cushions.

  • Avoid drying clothing or bedding close to an open fire or portable heater.

  • Never:

  • Never smoke, or allow others to smoke near you while using these products.

  • Never use a naked flame, such as matches, lighters, or candles, if your clothes, dressings, or bandages may have been in contact with emollients.

  • Never cook while wearing clothing that may have absorbed emollient products.

  • Additional Precautions

  • If you smoke, use fire-retardant covers, bedding and blankets where possible, and ensure the safe disposal of smoking materials.

  • Treatment is important, but it is also essential to stay safe when these products are being used. Alternative water based products which are safer may be suitable. Seek medical advice before changing any medical products.

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    Message Sent By
    Sam Jones
    (Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Communications Supervisor, Humberside)

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