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Drug Information Request - General

We are writing to local residents as part of increasing the amount of positive legal action taken against people who possess illegal drugs, sell drugs or grow their own at home. In order to help you make your community safer and drug free, we need your help in reporting such matters.

Illegal drugs can come in many different forms and it can sometimes be difficult to know if someone is possesses them, selling them or growing/manufacturing them. Common signs that this may be happening include;

What to Look out for – 

  • Visitors - lots of visitors to a property who don’t stay for very long
  • strange smells - when people are smoking or strange smells coming from a property
  • Demeanour - people who appear drunk but don’t smell of alcohol or a sudden change in demeanour from people arriving at a property to them leaving (e.g. arrived looking fine and left with slurred speech, unsteady walking, shouting, appears to be “hyper”, aggression)
  • Drug Paraphernalia -syringes and/or blackened spoons being discarded
  • Meetings - The occupant of a house regularly meeting people in a particular place (e.g. street corner, phone box) and returning not long after.
  • Wrong House - People going to the “wrong house” and asking for drugs (many drugs have street/slang names eg spice, hash, meow meow, crack, brown, dope, phets, skunk, smack, an eighth, a key)
  • Vulnerable Residents – Sometimes some groups will take advantage of vulnerable people including foreign national which may be victims of human trafficking or modern slavery.
  • There are various ways to report suspected drugs possession, dealing and/or cultivation/production and any associated anti-social behaviour;

  • Telephone Humberside Police on 101 (999 for emergencies) or Visit our website www.humberside.police.uk
  • Contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
  • Giving information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)
  • You can report matters ANONYMOUSLY if you prefer, we do not need to come to your home.

    If you, or anyone you know may benefit from support in reducing their illegal drug use or you are concerned about someone who may be using drugs you can contact the following agencies;


    FRANK -        If you have any questions or are worried about someone you think may be using drugs, you can call Frank on 0300 1236600 or visit the website www.talktofrank.com


    We hope you find this letter informative. Most of the legal action that is taken by Humberside Police and is following information given to us by members of the public who are fed up with the issues of drugs and anti-social behaviour blighting their home life.

    Your continued support is appreciated and assists us in helping to make your community a safer, peaceful and enjoyable place to live.

    Thank you for helping us help you

    Humberside Police


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    Message Sent By
    Michael Jackson
    (Humberside Police, PC, Scunthorpe Urban)

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