The Police
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Arson Alerts


Dear Resident,

Humberside Police are wanting to make residents aware of a number of wheelie bin fires in and around the area of Riley Field, Hull. 

Unknown youths are stealing the wheelie bins from local residents residing near Riley field, dragging wheelie bins to the field and setting them on fire.

Humberside Police and partnering agencies will be increasing visibility in and around the area of Riley field in order to deter this activity and provide support for all residents within the area. 

Residents are encouraged to ensure bins are behind a locked gate or secured to an immovable object if possible and to be brought in after being emptied as soon as practicable.

Anybody who has any information or if you have been a victim of this crime, please call 101. 

Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter


Kind regards,  


Hull West Communities Policing Team

Pickering Road Police Station

Pickering Road

Hull, HU4 6TE

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Message Sent By
Alex Macklin
(Humberside Police, PCSO, Hull West)

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