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Between 22:00hrs and 06:00hrs on Friday 10th May into Saturday 11th May, a GPS screen and Tractor Control unit were stolen from a New Holland Tractor from a farm close to Newport, East Yorkshire. 


If you have witnessed any suspicious persons or vehicles in the vicinity of Newport during these hours please contact police on 101 quoting Log 152 11/05/24.  


We have received reports of similar Tractor GPS receiver and screen thefts in the North Yorkshire area close to the East Riding border. 


Please can we remind farmers to review their security and to keep their properties/equipment safe. 


In relation to the security of Tractor GPS Receiver and Screens, please consider the below crime prevention advice around MARK IT, REMOVE IT and LOCK IT.




Tractor GPS Screens

  • Remove screens when not in use – ensure they are left in a safe and secure location.
  • Mark screens using Forensic Marking and use the provided stickers to advertise forensic marking is in use
  • Record serial numbers
  • Tractor GPS Receivers

  • If not in use, disconnect, remove and secure in a safe location
  • Remove from roof if not in use and tractor is being used on road – this will prevent advertising the fact you have a receiver.
  • Ensure the software is up to date, and marked with security warning stickers
  • Consider securing the tractor in a locked alarmed shed
  • Record serial numbers
  • Please also make sure your device is properly insured as it may need to be a separate item on your insurance, especially once removed from machinery.     


    We would also advise people to consider installing CCTV, intruder alarms, security lighting and boundary security (entrance gates/fencing) around your property to provide formal surveillance and target harden the most vulnerable areas.


    We cannot physically be everywhere at the same time and our communities are our eyes and ears in the countryside.  They know when something they see isn’t right.  We want them to call us about any suspicious activity they see. Please report this to police immediately on 999 if there is a crime in progress or 101 for non-emergency incidents.


    For more information about how to protect your farm, properties and equipment please head over to our website where you will find lots of useful information Rural crime | Humberside Police


    We also have a rural crime prevention booklet which can be obtained through the website as a PDF  Rural Crime Prevention guide | Humberside Police or as a booklet via our Rural Task Force RTF@humberside.police.uk


    #Farmwatch #RuralCrime 


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    Message Sent By
    Kevin Jones
    (Humberside Police, Sgt, East Riding Rural Task Force)

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