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Nuisance/Stolen and Illegal use of motorcycles

Dear Resident

NUISANCE/STOLEN and ILLEGAL USE OF MOTORCYCLES (following applies to all motor vehicles) 


Humberside Police are investigating reports of persons causing a nuisance with stolen or illegal use of motorcycles in Hull this is part of our OPERATION YELLOWFIN.


Today we have been successful at seizing a stolen motorcycle within Pickering Ward at Gower Park. Illegal use of a vehicle causing a nuisance is something that effects the whole community not just individuals’ and we can deal with it by way of a warning/seizure.


I would also like to remind you Motorcycle Owners to keep your own property secure to reduce the opportunity for thieves. Whenever possible lock your own motorcycles in a secure premise even if you are in the house.  Please be reminded to lock your vehicle with suitable security equipment and keep any security gates, garages and sheds closed and locked at all times. Having fitted CCTV at your premise can help scare away thieves while also capturing them if you do so happen to be targeted.


Humberside Police

Pickering Ward

PCSO Gregory



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Message Sent By
Junior Gregory
(Humberside Police, PCSO , Hull West)

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