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MID HOLDERNESS: Monthly Police Newsletter

Dear Resident


Hope this finds you well?

Mid Holderness Ward Newsletter – April 2024
Detailed crime and ASB data for your area can be obtained by visiting www.police.uk and following the ‘Find your Neighbourhood’ link.

What’s happening in Your Area & Community Priorities? 

8 crimes reported during March, (down from 15 recorded in February 2024)

Humbertalking has set our priorities, this month we are to:
1.     Preventing Residential Burglary - SHEDUCATION
2.     Reduce ASB – improve the quality of life.
3.     Improve Road Safety

Here’s a summary of crimes that have been reported across Mid Holderness last month:
a.                 Residential Burglary reports: (two investigations) 
11/03/2024 Burglary – Seaside Road, ALDBROUGH; Offender(s)smash rear window, enter property and take a safe containing cash/jewellery and personal items. 
15/03/2024 attempt Burglary to garage– Churchill Rise, BURSTWICK; CCTV captured prowlers prise open side garage window and try patio door, no entry gained, nothing taken.
b.                 Business Burglary reports: (none recorded) 
c.                  Thefts: (three investigations) 
03/3/2024 Theft from garden Whins Lane, LONG RISTON.

14/03/2024 Theft - Main Road, BILTON; Making off without payment for fuel. 

14/03/2024 Theft – Main Road, BILTON; Theft of 16 jars of coffee.
Update: 1/04/24 -30 year old male arrested for shop theft and released on bail
d.                 Vehicle Crime: (two investigations) 
18/03/2024 Damage to Vehicle – Main Street, WITHERNWICK

24 - 28/03/2024 Theft from Vehicle– Meaux Lane, WAWNE; theft of wheels, fuel injector and number plate from a vehicle awaiting recovery after a collision. 
e.                 Damage: (one investigation) 
03/03/2024 Damage - Drove Lane, WAWNE.
                    Other: (28 investigations) 11 domestic related incidents 9 reports of harassment, 3 sexual offences, 1 Obstruct Police, 1 assault on Police and 3 Public Order incidents reported in March across the Mid Holderness ward area.


Humber-talking has set our priorities, this month we are to: 
1.    Preventing Residential Burglary – SHEDUCATION
At this time of year when spring arrives and the clocks go forward, Burglaries of sheds and garages usually start growing! The police together with Neighbourhood Watch Groups are asking for your help. The value of property in sheds and garages is more than people think. Thieves are targeting them for power tools, cycles, and sports equipment. Hand tools are stolen and used to break into homes.
During this month members of the Holderness Policing Team will continue be out and about providing residents with advice on home security. 

              Let’s weed out these thieves by getting some sheducation! 
Secure the access to your shed or garage by locking gates and using thorny bushes
Have you visibly marked the contents of your shed? Note of serial numbers, take photos
External security lights which are activated by movement are a useful deterrent. 
Doors of sheds require attention. Use strong hasp/staples and close shackled padlocks.

Use coach bolts or non-return screws to secure door hinges. 
Chain cycles, mowers, ladders and tools to a strong anchorage point. 
Alarms for sheds and garages are available for under £20 at most DIY stores
Together we’ll crack crime. Join a home watch scheme. 
Exactly what insurance cover do you have? Check that your household policy covers you for theft from your garden and outbuildings. 

2.    Reduce ASB - Improve the quality of life in the community.
Community and local parish meetings have raised issues about anti-social behaviour. Anti-social behaviour involving nuisance motor bikes along the riverbank near Wawne, across farm land in the Swine/Benningholme area and Seaside Road Aldbrough has seen an increase over the month. 
Continued concerns were raised that vehicles visiting the parking area the end of Greens Lane maybe involved in drug activity, Officers will be checking the location under Op Yellowfin. This period is always one of our busiest, you will see a clear police presence on patrol in and around your neighbourhood over this period.
The Holderness Neighbourhood Policing Team works with our key partners and the community to reduce anti-social behaviour and the anti-social use of motor vehicles. We provide proactive responses to reports of anti-social behaviour in our neighbourhood Area and are constantly reviewing our patrol strategy to address this. We are working hard with partners to address this and ensure our market towns and rural communities are a safe place to live and work.

3.     Improving Road Safety:
As with most other areas, road safety is something in which we can improve upon in our rural communities.

We hold regular proactive road safety campaigns with the Highways Authority which include speed enforcement in hot spot locations.        

With the return of all children to our primary schools after the Easter Holiday, the Community Team will be conducting patrols around the schools making sure that the roads are safe for everyone especial for our young members outside the schools’ gates. 

In April 2024, the dates and locations are as follows:
4th- Thursday         7pm            - WAWNE Parish Council, Village Hall, Main St
8th- Monday        7pm -ALDBROUGH Parish Council, Aldbrough Primary School.
9th- Tuesday            7pm           -BILTON Parish Council, Bilton Village Hall
10th- Wednesday    7pm          -WITHERNWICK Parish Council, St.Albans Church
13th - Saturday      11:30am      -Village Hall, Swine Lane, CONISTON
14th- Sunday          3pm         -Kings Bus, North Street Green, ALDBROUGH
30th- Tuesday       7pm          -BURSTWICK Parish Council, Village Hall


Hope you have a great spring, please find attached the full newsletter and if you can share with neighbours and your community social media platforms.


Kind regards



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Message Sent By
Darren Bainton
(Humberside Police, PCSO, Mid Holderness)

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