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Ings Monthly Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Information - March 2024

Dear Residents


Please find below the figures to what crime has been reported for Ings between 1st and 31st March 2024.


0 x Theft of Pedal Cycle’s

0 x Criminal Damage to Vehicles

0 x Criminal Damage to Dwellings

4 x Theft from Vehicle

4 x Theft of Vehicle

2 x Burglary Residential

3 x Attempted Burglary Residential

9 x Shop Theft 



Below are the figures for reported Anti-Social Behaviour between 1st and 31st March 2024.  


4 x ASB Personal 


12 x ASB Nuisance 


0 x ASB Environmental 


ASB Personal – Deliberately targeted at an individual or group or having an impact on an individual or group rather than the community at large.


ASB Nuisance - Engaging in or threatening to engage in conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to persons engaged in lawful activities.


ASB Environmental - Incidents where individuals and groups have an impact on their surroundings including natural, built and social environments.


Please feel free to contact me for any crime prevention advice or if you are part of any local groups and would like some involvement from myself or just to give me some feedback about what you would like to see being messaged on My Community Alerts


Look again – is someone you know being exploited?


We have launched our ‘Look Again’ child sexual and criminal exploitation campaign to align with Child Exploitation Awareness Day and the national initiative Operation Makesafe.


The campaign is focused around getting members of the public and local businesses to ‘Look again’ at some situations which, at first glance, may appear to be completely normal.


Do you notice something about someone’s relationship that might be unhealthy or inappropriate? Does someone appear to be acting more distant and showing signs of being controlled? Do you see the same group of teenagers regularly going missing or skipping school? There are many questions we can ask, and this campaign will help you spot the signs of exploitation in many different circumstances.


We’ve aligned the campaign with the national Operation Makesafe to focus on making sure that people working in specific business sectors are aware of the early warning signs of child exploitation, and then know how and what to report to the police.


Local and national evidence shows that child exploitation can take place in hotels, pubs, takeaways, places licensed to sell alcohol, and exploiters or those involved are also more likely to use taxi firms to travel to and from these different places.


Leading the campaign is Inspector Nathan Reuben from our Protecting Vulnerable People Unit responsible for the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, and Child Sexual Exploitation teams. He said: “It is vital that we raise awareness amongst key local businesses as well as members of the public so they can learn what to look out for, spot the signs, and ultimately help safeguard young people.


“We want to give our communities the confidence to report their concerns or suspicions to us, knowing that they will be taken seriously, and we will do everything we can to disrupt and deter potential exploiters, and prevent young people from being exploited in the first place.


“Child Sexual Exploitation is hard to identify because it often happens behind closed doors. Victims and suspects do not fit any particular stereotype, but there are indicators and behaviours that members of the public, professionals, family members or friends might spot.


“A child who is being exploited might not recognise themselves as a victim. They might go missing from home or education, or be attending hotels, unfamiliar locations, or making unusual journeys that are not explained. We are asking people to be curious about why someone might be missing from the place they should be.


“Some young people are often criminalised, and we want to use this campaign to highlight that there are young people in the Humberside area who are vulnerable victims and need safeguarding. 


“It is crucial that we work together with our partners and support networks to identify, disrupt, and remove the opportunity for potential perpetrators of both sexual and criminal exploiters to offend. We will do everything in our power to investigate, prosecute and seek justice for victims and their families.”


Child sexual exploitation involves situations, contexts, or relationships in which a person under 18 is given something, such as food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, or money in return for performing sexual activities or having sexual activities performed on them. It can also involve violence, coercion, and intimidation, with threats of physical harm or humiliation.


Learn how to spot the signs - head to our dedicated Look Again campaign page to find out more. 


Ask the Police


Humberside Police receive thousands of calls each week from members of the public. Although important, these calls are, inevitably, time consuming. Many of the questions focus on routine aspects of criminal law or police procedures and are repeated time and time again.


‘Ask the Police’ is a national online information resource of Questions and Answers that responds to a wide variety of the general public's most frequently asked policing questions. It offers an alternative online option to calling 101, reducing calls to the police, freeing up resources and saving money.



A GOOD website to look at is Police.uk and especially the ‘Crime Map’ as this will give you information about individual crimes near your postcode. 


Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends.


Please click here to complete the survey


If you use Twitter, you can also follow me: @PCDKirkwood


Make a difference in your community – help us to help you!




PC 805 Darren Kirkwood

Ings Community Beat Manager

Humberside Police 

Preston Road Police Station 


HU9 3TB 


Emergency – 999

Non-Emergency - 101


***All figures will be correct at the time of analysis and publication but may change if classifications are changed or further information comes to light

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Message Sent By
Darren Kirkwood
(Humberside Police, PC, Hull East NPT)

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