The Police
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Volunteer Opportunities Available!

Resident are you looking to Volunteer? 


Or do you know someone who may be interested in volunteering with Humberside Police?


Becoming a volunteer is a great way to give back to your community, or to gain new skills and work experience that will help you with your future career.


We are currently looking for:

  • Property Volunteer - Force Wide
  • Humberside Police Volunteer Band Musician - Force Wide
  • Band Librarian Volunteer - based at Beverley
  • Police Cadet Leaders - Beverley - Goole - Scunthorpe - Grimsby
  • Fire Cadet Leaders - Scunthorpe - Grimsby - Goole - Bransholme
  • Event Support Volunteers - Force wide
  • Information Governance Volunteer - Beverley 

    To find out more information please send an email to our Community Safety Team and someone will be in touch with more information. 



    To apply, follow the link to our careers site: https://hpandsyp.tal.net/candidate/jobboard/vacancy/1/adv/?


    Please share this message with anyone you think may be interested.



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    Message Sent By
    Melissa Drury
    (Humberside Police, Engagement Co-ordinator, CSU)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials