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Message sent by PCSO Williamson

What are Rogue Traders? 
Rogue Traders and Scammers are criminals who take advantage of you by using high pressure, forceful sales techniques and selling you something you don't need or want. They can also charge really extortionate prices for jobs such as plumbing, roofing and gutter work, paving and gardening among other tasks.

Crime prevention advice
1. Keep your windows and doors locked at all times remember you don't have to answer the door
2. If someone comes to the door put the chain on before opening the door.
3. Ask the caller what they want before unchaining the door and don't let them in unless they are legitimate
4.Check they are legitimate by checking their identification, calling the company they claim to work - don't let them inside while you do so or if unsure ask them to leave until you have a friend or family member with you
5. Never agree to have work done without getting around three quotes or a second opinion - ask family, friends or neighbours for help if you’re not sure about someone or something they are selling
6. Never hand over money until you know what it is your paying for and when the job is done or only pay a small deposit
7. If you suspect someone of being a rogue trader or scammer please call 101 for police or contact Citizens advice Bureau 0345 040 05 06

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 PCSO Williamson

Brumby NPT


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Message Sent By
Christina Williamson
(Humberside Police, PCSO, Scunthorpe Urban)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials