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Ward Priorities

Dear resident,

The following priorities have been identified by your community team based on calls for service and reported crimes. 

They are 

  • Anti Social Behaviour 
  • Residential Burglary
  • Drugs 
  • Please take a note of the below with a few guidance notes that can you help you and us



    Your Local Community Team are aware of an increase in the reports of Anti-Social Behaviour within the ward area mainly around the Pasture Street and surrounding areas.

    No crime has occurred on this occasion, but we know that this type of behaviour can cause upset and worry towards residents.

    Humberside Police work with our local partners North East Lincolnshire Anti-Social Behaviour Team and we encourage that you report this type of behaviour to ourselves via the police non-emergency number 101.

    Additionally, you can report incidents and crime through Humberside Police's web site HERE.  or anonymously to Crimestoppers or call them 0800 555111.

    Make a difference to your community by helping us to help you!




    Your Local Community Team have identified an increase in reports of residential burglaries within the ward area.  

    Your Local Community team are aware of the locations and will seek to patrol the key areas to provide reassurance and visibility along with providing a deterrent to persons committing these offences.

    Please take two minutes to read through General Advice to reduce your risk of this crime being committed at your address.

    1. Keep all the doors and windows locked.

    2. Make your property appear occupied, even when you are out. You could use timers to turn on lights and have blinds set to prevent seeing inside, which may confirm a house is unoccupied.

    3. If an offender approaches your house, make sure nothing blocks the view of them, such as garden hedges or trees and make sure the area is well lit so they are easily noticed.

    4. Keep valuables in the home out of general view from the opportunist burglar. They may look through windows when deciding if the home contains property they consider worth stealing . Use blinds, nets or other window coverings to prevent this.

    5. Fit a burglar alarm with visible, deterrent bell boxes front and rear and keep the system maintained.

    To assist us in identifying stolen property please consider property marking high value items using Forensic Marking or UV pens.  You are also advised to register property at www.immobilise.com which is a free on-line property register used by police forces nationwide to reunite stolen goods to their owners. All you have to do is register on-line and then upload properties electrical items serial numbers.




    We are writing to residents as part of increasing the amount of positive legal action taken against people who possess illegal drugs, sell drugs or grow their own at home. In order to help you make your community safer and drug free, we need your help in reporting such matters.

    Illegal drugs can come in many different forms, and it can sometimes be difficult to know if someone is possesses them, selling them or growing/manufacturing them. Common signs that this may be happening include;


    What to Look out for –

    Visitors - lots of visitors to a property who don’t stay for very long

    strange smells - when people are smoking or strange smells coming from a property

    Demeanour - people who appear drunk but don’t smell of alcohol or a sudden change in demeanour from people arriving at a property to them leaving (e.g. arrived looking fine and left with slurred speech, unsteady walking, shouting, appears to be “hyper”, aggression)

    Drug Paraphernalia -syringes and/or blackened spoons being discarded

    Meetings - The occupant of a house regularly meeting people in a particular place (e.g. street corner, phone box) and returning not long after.

    Wrong House - People going to the “wrong house” and asking for drugs (many drugs have street/slang names eg spice, hash, meow meow, crack, brown, dope, phets, skunk, smack, an eighth, a key)

    Vulnerable Residents – Sometimes some groups will take advantage of vulnerable people including foreign national which may be victims of human trafficking or modern slavery.

    There are various ways to report suspected drugs possession, dealing and/or cultivation/production and any associated anti-social behaviour;

    Telephone Humberside Police on 101 (999 for emergencies) or Visit our website www.humberside.police.uk

    Contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

    You can report matters ANONYMOUSLY if you prefer, we do not need to come to your home.






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    Message Sent By
    NIck Gibbs
    (Humberside Police, PC , Grimsby East NPT)

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